Yellow Peril Biplane at U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland - Encircle Photos

34 Yellow Peril Biplane at U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland

Annapolis is home to Maryland’s state capitol, a charming seaport along Chesapeake Bay and the U.S. Naval Academy. This former armory to the midshipman is Dahlgren Hall. It was built in 1903. The interior resembles an old train station with a large, arched ceiling and exposed metal trusses. From the rafters hangs a N3N biplane. The aircraft was nicknamed the Yellow Peril because it was notoriously difficult to land.


Yellow Peril Biplane at U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland

Dahlgren Hall Arcade Rd, Naval Academy, MD 21402


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