Roman Emperor Constantine Statue in York, England - Encircle Photos

1 Roman Emperor Constantine Statue in York, England

When Constantius I died in Eboracum (the Roman predecessor to York) in 306 A.D., his son was declared to be Augustus, the new Roman emperor. Constantine the Great was a spectacular military leader throughout his reign ending in 337. He was also the first emperor to embrace Christianity, a significant reversal of the bloody religious persecution by Emperor Diocletian who died in 305. This statue of the Emperor Constantine by Phillip Jackson was gifted by the York Civic Trust in 1998. It is positioned near the south entrance of York Minster. Interestingly, a bust of Constantine I was found while excavating Stonegate in York. Historians believe it dates from the early 4th century.


Roman Emperor Constantine Statue in York, England

Precentor’s Ct, York YO1 7HH, UK


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