Floriańska Gate in Kraków, Poland - Encircle Photos

4 Floriańska Gate in Kraków, Poland

In response to three attacks by the Mongols during the 13th century, a massive wall was built around Kraków. By the end of the 15th century, the stone defensives measured 33 feet high and eight feet thick. There were 47 towers and eight gates along its nearly two mile length. In 1804, the Austrians ordered the destruction of the medieval fortification. St. Florian’s Gate and three neighboring towers were spared. This Gothic tower was once the main gate into Kraków. As the start of the Royal Road used during major processions, it earned the colloquial name of Gate of Glory. Brama Floriańska was built in 1307 and stands 113 feet. The colorful bas-relief in the center depicts Saint Florian. He was martyred in 304 AD during the persecution of Christians by Roman Emperor Diocletian.


Floriańska Gate in Kraków, Poland

Brama Floriańska, Floriańska, 31-019 Kraków, Poland


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