Wyatt Earp’s Gambling Hall and Saloon in San Diego, California - Encircle Photos

Wyatt Earp’s Gambling Hall and Saloon in San Diego, California

Years after the gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Wyatt Earp and his dancehall wife moved to San Diego around 1885. The couple opened four gambling halls in the Stingaree District, a lawless red-light neighborhood. The most famous, or perhaps infamous, was the Oyster Bar. The seedy establishment offered drinks and gambling on the first floor and The Golden Poppy brothel upstairs. Today, the building is Georges on Fifth steakhouse in the Gaslamp Quarter.

Wyatt Earp’s Gambling Hall and Saloon in San Diego, California

837 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101


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