Wyatt Earp Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona - Encircle Photos

Wyatt Earp Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona

Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp was born in Illinois in 1848. Wyatt spent his early years drifting as a gambler, buffalo hunter, saloon keeper, railroad worker and stagecoach driver. His fame as a law officer began in 1875 when he joined the Wichita, Kansas police force. In 1880, he went to Tombstone to join his brothers. Virgil Earp was the town’s marshal. The Earps showed their gunslinging skills at the O. K. Corral in 1861. Unlike most notable figures from the Wild West who had short lifespans, Wyatt Earp lived for 80 years. He died in Los Angeles in 1929.

Wyatt Earp Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona

417 E Allen St, Tombstone, AZ 85638


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