Woman’s Face Mural by Hader and Rone in Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawaii - Encircle Photos

Woman’s Face Mural by Hader and Rone in Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawaii

POW! WOW! is an annual art festival in Honolulu. The organizers bring together about 100 talented mural artists from around the world to adorn the walls of the Kaka’ako industrial district into a fabulous outdoor gallery. A beautiful example is this woman’s face on the corners of Cooke and Pohukaina Streets. It was a collaborative effort in 2013. One artist was Sean Rone from Melbourne. He specializes in painting gorgeous images of women on a large scale across the world. The other muralist and local festival event organizer was Hawaiian artist Kamea Hader. Reportedly, the image is Kamea’s partner Shanna.

Woman’s Face Mural by Hader and Rone in Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawaii

501 Cooke St, Honolulu, HI 96813


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