Wild Wallaby on Summerland Peninsula on Phillip Island, Australia - Encircle Photos

Wild Wallaby on Summerland Peninsula on Phillip Island, Australia

If you drive along The Boulevard at dusk, occasionally look away from the amazing coastline and scan the grassy plains. There may be wallabies watching you. This is a swamp wallaby. At 29 pounds for a female and 37 pounds for a male, they are considerably smaller than a kangaroo. They are adorable. Their distinctive characteristic is the light cheek stripe. They also have a pungent smell, hence the name of this subspecies. Many Aussies call them stinkers. This macropod uses their forelimbs to hold onto a plant or shrub while eating it. This unusual trait is called browsing. They leverage their tail – which can be as long as their body – to help them stand. The Summerland Peninsula is the southernmost tip of the black wallaby’s range along eastern Australia.

Wild Wallaby on Summerland Peninsula on Phillip Island, Australia

The Boulevard, Summerlands VIC 3922, Australia


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