White Houses atop El Tajo Gorge in Ronda, Spain - Encircle Photos

-1 White Houses atop El Tajo Gorge in Ronda, Spain

These white houses with their brown tiled roofs are perched precariously on top of the El Tajo Gorge. They are typical of the neighboring White Towns of Andalusia. Many tourists are so enthralled with this style they follow the Ruta de los Pueblos Blanchos to see similar villages such as Arcos, Zahara and Grazalema. This photo was taken from the Mirador de Aldehuela. The viewpoint’s namesake is José Martin de Aldehuela, a famous Ronda architect from the 18th century.


White Houses atop El Tajo Gorge in Ronda, Spain

Calle Armiñán, 1, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain


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