Tide Pool Seabirds at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC - Encircle Photos

Tide Pool Seabirds at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

The tide pools at Darwin Bay Beach are brimming with activity. It is easy to miss some of the action unless you are patient and vigilant. Stalking along the left is a lava heron. Also called the Galápagos heron, this species is endemic to the islands. With a population of only 900 to 1,200 birds, they are relatively rare and rated as vulnerable. This bird’s yellow legs suggest it is mating season. Their favorite food is small fish and crab. Watch as these potential prey scurry away from their predator’s sharp beak. On the right is a swallow-tailed gull. They hunt at night. But you can often see them in the day sleeping or observing the action near where they roost

Tide Pool Seabirds at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

Great Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador


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