Slave Hut Ruins South of Kralendijk, Bonaire - Encircle Photos

Slave Hut Ruins South of Kralendijk, Bonaire

Soon after the Spaniards discovered Bonaire in 1499, they captured the local people named Caquetio and deported them to work the copper fields in Hatti. During the early 17th century, the West India Company imported African slaves as labor for the salt pans. Most of these laborers lived in distant Rincón. So the Dutch company built them wooden huts to occupy during the week. During the 1850s, the shabby living quarters were replaced by stone structures. They were so small a person could not stand in them. Slavery was abolished in 1863. Yet a few ruins of these slave huts remain behind. Notice the mountain of sand visible through the window. At Cabaje you can go inside a few of the old huts.

Slave Hut Ruins South of Kralendijk, Bonaire

Yellow Slave Huts, EEG Boulevard, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands


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