Royal Palace in Siem Reap, Cambodia - Encircle Photos

1 Royal Palace in Siem Reap, Cambodia

People familiar with the lavish Royal Palace in the capital city of Phnom Penh will be disappointed when they see the modest version in Siem Reap. This walled-in complex adjacent to the Siem Reap River was constructed in 1913. It is the official residence for the royal family when visiting the town. It housed Norodom Sihanouk during his first reign as the King of Cambodia from 1941 until 1955. Known as Samdech Euv (father prince), he also was the country’s prime minister and head of state before reclaiming his monarch title in 1993 until 2004.


Royal Palace in Siem Reap, Cambodia

NR6 & Charles De Gaulle, Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia


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