Red Salina Salt Pan in Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands - Encircle Photos

Red Salina Salt Pan in Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands

The Red Salina is one of seven inland ponds on Grand Turk where salt was harvested for 300 years. In recognition of its critical role, it and the adjacent Town Pond received Protected Area Status as Areas of Historical Interest in 2011. They have become parks and a wildlife reserve. Bird watchers enjoy walking along the salt pan paths for the chance to see American flamingos, brown pelicans, egrets, ospreys and stilt sandpipers.

Red Salina Salt Pan in Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands

Mission Folly & Pond St, Cockburn Town TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands


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