Power at Sea in Michaelerplatz at Hofburg in Vienna, Austria - Encircle Photos

1 Power at Sea in Michaelerplatz at Hofburg in Vienna, Austria

Flanking the edges of St. Michael’s Wing are two extraordinary fountains. This is Power at Sea (Macht zur See). The marble figures encircling a ship are an allegory for the Austro-Hungarian Empire marines. The ensemble was created by Rudolf Weyr in 1897. The complimentary fountain is called Power of Land. The St. Michael’s Wing of Hofburg Palace faces Michaelerplatz. Across the way is Michaelerkirche. St Michael’s Church originated in the 13th century. In the center of the square are ruins of a 2nd century Roman settlement.


Power at Sea in Michaelerplatz at Hofburg in Vienna, Austria

Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Wien, Austria


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