Plaza de Toros in Ronda, Spain - Encircle Photos

-1 Plaza de Toros in Ronda, Spain

Plaza de Toros is Spain’s second oldest bullring. When it opened in 1785, the first torero to enter the sand arena was Pedro Romero, one of the greatest Spanish matadors in history. Inside is seating for 5,000 along two levels defined by 136 columns. The Ronda Bullring is now Museo Taurino featuring bullfighting memorabilia and art plus antique firearms. Yet during the second week of every September, it comes alive again for the Feria Goyesca (also called Feria de Pedro Romero). This four-day event features a parade, costumed festivities and culminates with a bullfight named Corrida Goyesca that dates back to 1954.


Plaza de Toros in Ronda, Spain

Paseo Blas Infante, 2, 29400 Ronda, Spain


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