Picture Perfect Portraits at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC - Encircle Photos

-2 Picture Perfect Portraits at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

You expect to see a lot of birds at a place called Bird Island. What is not expected is their acquiescence. They do not escape at the first sounds of approaching footsteps. Instead, they are unflinching as you walk by and are often as curious to see you as you are of them. They seem to enjoy tourists acting like paparazzi. This fearlessness stems from a lack of predators. Credit also goes to the Galápagos National Park for their excellent job of protecting the ecosystem and limiting the number of visitors. Among the park’s rules are staying within the narrow paths, never getting within six feet of the wildlife and enjoy photographing these incredible birds such as this red-footed booby.


Picture Perfect Portraits at Darwin Bay Beach on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

Great Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador


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