Palace of Heavenly Purity at Forbidden City in Beijing, China - Encircle Photos

1 Palace of Heavenly Purity at Forbidden City in Beijing, China

With a height over 65 feet, the largest structure within the Inner Court is the Palace of Heavenly Purity. It was modeled after but smaller than the more revered Hall of Supreme Harmony. Qianqing gong was the Emperor’s living and sleeping quarters from 1420 until 1722. It was also common to have the emperor’s remains lie in repose here for a couple of days prior to interment. Notice the huge gilded vats. There are 308 of them around the Forbidden City. Each contained 200 gallons of water. They were used to fight fires, a constant threat among the wooden buildings.


Palace of Heavenly Purity at Forbidden City in Beijing, China

Meridian Gate, Dongcheng Qu, Donghuamen Rd, Beijing Shi, China, 100006


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