Oistins Fish Market and Fish Fry in Oistins, Barbados - Encircle Photos

-1 Oistins Fish Market and Fish Fry in Oistins, Barbados

At the east end of Welches Beach is the Oistins Boatyard. This is a fun place to visit if you like seeing weathered wooden boats in various stages of decay. Adjacent to the boatyard is the Oistins Fish Market. The covered pavilions are small yet hopping with activity. Watch as the vendors cut, slice and fillet all kinds of marine life while customers barter for the best price. Fresh fruit and vegetables are also available. A major social event occurs at Oistins Bay Garden on Friday and Saturday nights starting at 7:00 pm: the Oistins Fish Fry. Local chefs open the windows of these colorful shacks to entice you with their specialties. People mingle among the heavenly aromas while sampling the food, drinking and dancing to the loud music.


Oistins Fish Market and Fish Fry in Oistins, Barbados

Oistins Fish Market, Oistins Main Road, Oistins, Barbados


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