Northern Façade of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy - Encircle Photos

1 Northern Façade of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Visit the Colosseum early in the morning when most tourists are having breakfast and while the sun is shining on the northern façade. This view from the elevated street called Via Nicola Salvi lets you feel the grandeur of the world’s largest amphitheater. When it was built in 80 AD, a four-story, 164 foot high wall surrounded the 1,788 foot elliptical shape. On the second and third levels there was a magnificent sculpture inside each arch along the arcades. Notice the corbels (architectural stones) protruding near the roofline. 240 of these supported a retractable awning called a velarium.


Northern Façade of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Piazza del Colosseo 00184 Roma RM, Italy


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