National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba - Encircle Photos

-1 National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba

When the National Capitol was finished in 1929, it served the Cuban Congress until Batista was overthrown by the Cuban Revolution in 1959. The Neoclassical building later became the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. The 302 foot dome of El Capitolio has a striking resemblance to the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Perhaps not surprisingly, the cupola was manufactured in the United States. Inside is the 49 foot tall, gilded Statue of the Republic. Notice the extensive renovation in progress. The Havana landmark is being extensively renovated with plans to become the home of the National Assembly in 2018.


National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba

San Jose and Paseo de Martí Streets, La Habana, Cuba


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