Male Magnificent Frigatebird on North Seymour in Galápagos, EC - Encircle Photos

Male Magnificent Frigatebird on North Seymour in Galápagos, EC

Two species of frigatebirds patrol the skies over the Galápagos Islands. One is the great (fregata minor) and the largest is the magnificent. The easiest way to identify the fregata magnificens is by the purple iridescence across the back feathers. This prevalent seabird weighs 2.5 to 3.5 pounds, measures up to 3.75 feet and has an impressive wingspan between seven and eight feet. This is the highest wing-to-body-weight-ratio of any bird. This aerodynamic design allows a magnificent frigatebird to effortlessly stay aloft for days without landing. When they ride thermal drafts, they can reach altitudes up to 8,000 feet. Let’s meet the entire family of this truly magnificent bird.

Male Magnificent Frigatebird on North Seymour in Galápagos, EC

North Seymour Island, Ecuador


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