Madison Skyline across Partially Frozen Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin - Encircle Photos

1 Madison Skyline across Partially Frozen Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin

While drive through Madison, Wisconsin, something may sound vaguely familiar. Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Pierce and 35 other streets were named after the U.S. Constitution signers. The city’s name comes from James Madison. He was the Father of the Constitution and also the fourth U.S. President. He died a few months before James Doty lobbied legislators in 1836 to designate his vacant land as the capital of the new Wisconsin Territory in exchange for honoring these founding fathers. The result is this gorgeous skyline from across the partially frozen Lake Monona.


Madison Skyline across Partially Frozen Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin

1156 Olin-Turville Ct, Madison, WI 53715


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