Lion House at Brigham Young Complex in Salt Lake City, Utah - Encircle Photos

-1 Lion House at Brigham Young Complex in Salt Lake City, Utah

Polygamy was a common practice among Mormons during the 19th century. Brigham Young – the revered second president of the LDS Church – was reported to have had 55 wives and about the same number of children. Obviously, housing his family was a challenge. One of his residences was the Lion House. The 1856 home designed by brother-in-law Truman O. Angell contained 20 bedrooms. The name stems from the lion statue above the door sculpted by William F. Ward. Plural marriages were banned in 1890 as a condition for Utah to become a state.


Lion House at Brigham Young Complex in Salt Lake City, Utah

Lion House, 63 E S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84150


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