Introduction to Eden Island near Santa Cruz in Galápagos, EC - Encircle Photos

2 Introduction to Eden Island near Santa Cruz in Galápagos, EC

Eden Island is a sliver of volcanic rock located along the northwest shore of the large Santa Cruz Island. Isla El Edén measures less than 2,000 square feet in diameter. Despite its small size of .01 square miles, it exhibits three distinct landscapes. One is flat, arid and barren (seen on the left). In the middle is a 233 foot cliff. Later in this guide you will visually tour its lush, tranquil yet rugged coast. Sally Lightfoot crabs appear to love riding this horse-shaped sea stack. The huge colony of crabs includes all sizes, from small black hatchlings to bright red and orange adults measuring three to five inches.


Introduction to Eden Island near Santa Cruz in Galápagos, EC

Isla El Edén, Ecuador


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