Golden Dome of Cádiz Cathedral in Cádiz, Spain - Encircle Photos

17 Golden Dome of Cádiz Cathedral in Cádiz, Spain

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Cádiz was established in 1241. In less than 25 years, the first cathedral was built. During the next 450 years, many Catholic churches were added, usually attached to monasteries and convents. These did not seem adequate when Cádiz began to experience its Golden Age in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The compelling desire to showcase the city’s prosperity prompted the commissioning of architect Vicente Acero to design Catedral Nueva. The cathedral’s yellow-gold dome is not only gorgeous but symbolic of this period of exuberance in Cádiz’s history. Along the base are sculptures of the Apostles. Inside the dome are painted scenes of the Passion of Christ including the Last Supper and Crucifixion. Beneath it is an elaborate altar surrounded by two side naves and 16 chapels.


Golden Dome of Cádiz Cathedral in Cádiz, Spain

Plaza de la Catedral, 11005 Cádiz, Spain


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