Golden Altar of San José Church in Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama - Encircle Photos

18 Golden Altar of San José Church in Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama

Very little survived the plundering of Henry Morgan and his band of pirates in 1671. The one beautiful exception is the Altar de Oro. This hand-carved, wooden altarpiece was covered with black paint by monks in order to conceal its value. After the town of Panama Viejo was left in ruins, the Jesuits built the Church of San José in 1675 and graced its nave with this gilded masterpiece. This historic Golden Altar is a must see while exploring Casco Viejo.


Golden Altar of San José Church in Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama

Av. A & Calle 8a Oeste, Panamá, Panama


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