Geothermal Power Station on Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland - Encircle Photos

Geothermal Power Station on Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland

Adjacent to Blue Lagoon is the Svartsengi Power Station. Their six plants harness the immense heat and steam of the surrounding geothermal field to produce electricity. The water in the reservoir averages 455°F! The facility also pipes hot water to heat the homes of the 22,000 people living on the Southern Peninsula. Svartsengi is one example of how Iceland harnesses its natural resources. Approximately 85% of the country’s energy is renewable. The primary sources are geothermal and hydropower. Wind farms have also been built in the last few years.

Geothermal Power Station on Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland

Svartsengi Geothermal Power Plant, Orkuver í Svartsengi, Iceland


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