Frigatebird Chick at Prince Phillip’s Steps on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC - Encircle Photos

2 Frigatebird Chick at Prince Phillip’s Steps on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

Frigatebirds are enormous and majestic. The opposite is true of their chicks. They are born featherless and are routinely nurtured and nourished by their parents. When they reach the puffball stage – this adorable guy is about two months old – they are only fed once every day or two. So it is common to see them looking towards the sky for the arrival of their next meal. The frigatebird has an unusually long post-fledging period of six to 18 months. They are dependent on their devoted parents until capable of flight.


Frigatebird Chick at Prince Phillip’s Steps on Genovesa in Galápagos, EC

Great Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador


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