Fort Amsterdam Church Clock Tower in Punda, Eastside of Willemstad, Curaçao - Encircle Photos

Fort Amsterdam Church Clock Tower in Punda, Eastside of Willemstad, Curaçao

Fort Amsterdam’s first church probably dates back to the early 18th century. The current Fortkerk was constructed in 1769, making it the island’s oldest active church. In 1903, this round clock tower replaced an earlier version yet it initially retained the 1788 clockworks. The bright yellow and orange colors of the steeple, plus its height of 52.5 feet, make this United Protestant Church visible throughout Punda. The Fortchurch was extensively restored in 1991 and now also serves as a museum.

Fort Amsterdam Church Clock Tower in Punda, Eastside of Willemstad, Curaçao

Fortplein Plaza Piar, Willemstad, Curaçao


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