Former Northern Assurance Offices in Aberdeen, Scotland - Encircle Photos

Former Northern Assurance Offices in Aberdeen, Scotland

The North of Scotland Fire and Life Assurance Company was founded in Aberdeen in 1836. The name changed to Northern Assurance Company in 1848. Alexander Marshall Mackenzie designed their headquarters at 1 Union Terrace in 1885. Fortunately, he escaped the “curse of the Northern.” Subsequent architects of company buildings in five other cities died soon after the projects were finished. The three crowned towers are the Arms of Aberdeen, a seal dating back to the 15th century. When the insurance company was acquired by the Commercial Union Assurance Company in 1968, it moved out. Then the Monkey House moved in. The pub’s name came from the building’s façade which the locals said resembled a cage. When this photo was taken in 2016, it was announced a different tenant, the Thai Leisure Group, would soon occupy the building for the next 20 years.

Former Northern Assurance Offices in Aberdeen, Scotland

1 Union Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1NJ, UK


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