Former Jail and Courthouse in Ilhabela, Brazil - Encircle Photos

-1 Former Jail and Courthouse in Ilhabela, Brazil

Adjacent to the Church of Our Lady of Help is Antiga Cadeia e Forum de Ilhabela. This was the former jail and courthouse when it opened in 1805. The historic site also served as the Town Hall. In 2013, it became the Visitors Center of Ilhabela State Park. Inside is an engaging blend of exhibits about the park, its abundant trails, the 30 plus waterfalls plus the fauna and flora of the Atlantic Forest. You will also learn about the island’s history and admire archeological artifacts.


Former Jail and Courthouse in Ilhabela, Brazil

Praça Coronel Júlio de Moura Negrão - Centro, Ilhabela - SP, 11630-000, Brazil


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