Forge of Vulcan at Administration Square in Guayaquil, Ecuador - Encircle Photos

Forge of Vulcan at Administration Square in Guayaquil, Ecuador

At Administration Square is an exquisite statuary encased in marble created by Victor Ochoa in 2005. It depicts a clandestine meeting held at the home of José de Villamil. On October 1, 1820, a group of patriots – known as the Forge of Vulcan – plotted to seize a Spanish military post and capture the commander and governor. The successful rebellion led to the independence of Guayaquil on October 9. Standing with a key behind his back is José Joaquin de Olmedo. He became the first president of the Free Province of Guayaquil.

Forge of Vulcan at Administration Square in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Plaza de la Administración, Pichincha 525, Guayaquil 090313, Ecuador


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