Ernest Cormier Building on Notre-Dame Street in Montreal, Canada - Encircle Photos

1 Ernest Cormier Building on Notre-Dame Street in Montreal, Canada

From Saint Sulpice Seminary, walk by Notre-Dame Basilica and continue exploring Old Montreal along Rue Notre-Dame. This historic street was created in 1672. You will soon encounter Édifice Ernest-Cormier. You can’t miss it. Just watch for the 14 impressive Doric columns. This former Palace of Justice was renamed in 1980 to honor the building’s designer Ernest Cormier. He was a prominent architect of Canadian schools, churches and government buildings. This Neoclassical structure now houses the Quebec Court of Appeal.


Ernest Cormier Building on Notre-Dame Street in Montreal, Canada

100 Notre-Dame Street East, Montreal, QC H2Y 4B6, Canada


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