Doc Holliday Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona - Encircle Photos

Doc Holliday Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona

Although he earned a dental degree, John Henry Holliday was a quintessential gunfighter and gambler. After saving Wyatt Earp’s life, the friends rode throughout the west until they arrived in Tombstone. It was there Doc Holliday became a frequent customer of The Shady Ladies. This was a brothel run by Big Nose Kate, the town’s first prostitute in 1881. She was also his common-law wife for five years. This portrait of Doc hangs in the Big Nose Kate’s Saloon. After surviving the O. K. Corral shootout, Doc joined a posse to hunt down and kill outlaws until he died of tuberculosis in 1887 at the age of 36.

Doc Holliday Portrait in Tombstone, Arizona

417 E Allen St, Tombstone, AZ 85638


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