Decrepit Building on Malecón in Havana, Cuba - Encircle Photos

2 Decrepit Building on Malecón in Havana, Cuba

Buildings facing Malecón and the waterfront range in age from the 18th through the mid-20th century. Most are decrepit from decades of sea spray and neglect. They often are abandoned or make-shift housing. But like the wrinkled face of the elderly, there are features to admire. A closer look reveals architectural nuances such as columns, arches, porticos, dentil molding, balusters, balconies and bas-reliefs – all crafted from stone. These facades were beautiful prior to 1960. Hopefully, many of them will be restored and shine again.


Decrepit Building on Malecón in Havana, Cuba

Malecón, La Habana, Cuba


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