Court of the Myrtles North Façade at Alhambra in Granada, Spain - Encircle Photos

21 Court of the Myrtles North Façade at Alhambra in Granada, Spain

The north end of the Court of the Myrtles has a similar design yet a single level. This is the entry into the courtyard from Comares Palace. In the background is Comares Tower, built in the first half of the 14th century. The 148 foot height of Torre de Comares qualifies it as the tallest on Sabikah Hill. In addition to serving as a watch tower, it once housed the sultans’ offices and winter quarters. Comares Tower is more noteworthy for two historic events (some claim legends) that occurred within its walls. One was the decision by the council and Muhammad XII (Boabdil) to capitulate to the Catholic Monarchs, thus ending the Nasrid dynasty. The second was in April of 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabel agreed to sponsor the first voyage of Christopher Columbus.


Court of the Myrtles North Façade at Alhambra in Granada, Spain

Patio de los Arrayanes, Calle Real de la Alhambra, 18009 Granada, Spain


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