Corinthian and Palace Royal Tombs in Petra, Jordan - Encircle Photos

Corinthian and Palace Royal Tombs in Petra, Jordan

This donkey is grazing in front of two of the four Royal Tombs. This row is sometimes called the East Ridge or Kings’ Wall. Notice the badly eroded columns on the right. These gave the burial monument its name: Corinthian Tomb. The final resting place for King Aretas IV was sculpted into the mountainside during the subsequent reign of King Malichus II (40 – 70 AD). Then his successor and the last Nabataean ruler, King Rabbel II (70 – 106 AD), built The Palace Tomb on the left. Its Complex Classical style across three floors is one of the most impressive buildings in Petra. Measuring over 160 feet wide, this monument shares several of the design elements of The Treasury.

Corinthian and Palace Royal Tombs in Petra, Jordan

Street of Facades, Petra, Jordan


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