Close Up of Flamingo Feeding North of Kralendijk, Bonaire - Encircle Photos

-2 Close Up of Flamingo Feeding North of Kralendijk, Bonaire

The Caribbean flamingo is technically known as the Phoenicopterus ruber. This means crimson winged and red. They are the largest flamingo species reaching 55 inches and 6.5 pounds. In the wild they can live up to 50 years. While walking slowly along the shallow salt flats, they use their S-shaped neck to reach food. After scooping up a morsel, water strains from their angled beak. Their feathers are not naturally pink. This color comes from the carotenoid pigments they consume from their diet of brine shrimp and other crustaceans.


Close Up of Flamingo Feeding North of Kralendijk, Bonaire

Kaminda Goto Rincon, Caribbean Netherlands


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