Church of St. Leodegar Façade in Lucerne, Switzerland - Encircle Photos

Church of St. Leodegar Façade in Lucerne, Switzerland

A long, steep set of stairs leads up to St. Leodegar im Hof. The climb is worthwhile to explore this landmark of Lucerne, Switzerland. The Church of St. Leodegar was built in 1639 after a Roman basilica burned a few years before. The history of this hill dates back to 736 when an abbey for St. Mauritius was here. The church’s namesake, Saint Leger, was a Catholic bishop who was martyred in 679 AD. He became the patron saint of Lucerne in 1135. Hofkirche is now a parish church and monastery.

Church of St. Leodegar Façade in Lucerne, Switzerland

St. Leodegarstrasse 6, 6006 Lucerne, Switzerland


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