Chapel Altar of San Diego Church and Monastery in Quito, Ecuador - Encircle Photos

Chapel Altar of San Diego Church and Monastery in Quito, Ecuador

Touring the San Diego Church and Monastery feels like you have entered the inner sanctuary of a 17th century monastery devoted to simplicity and prayer. Each room on the first floor, such as the kitchen and bakery, are devoid of all but the basics. On the second floor, the friar’s cells feature a bedframe without a mattress and a place to pray but little else. This starkness accentuates the beauty of this chapel. The gilded retable was a gift of Pope Pius IX in the mid-19th century. Behind a small door next to the altar is a crypt filled with human remains. On the right is the Virgin of Chichinquirá Pulpit.

Chapel Altar of San Diego Church and Monastery in Quito, Ecuador

Convento-Museo De La Recoleta, Plaza de San Diego, Quito 170111, Ecuador


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