Carved Lion Table Leg at Domus di Casca in Pompeii, Italy - Encircle Photos

-2 Carved Lion Table Leg at Domus di Casca in Pompeii, Italy

This close up of a lion carved in marble has an interesting history. It is part of a table once owned by Publius Servilius Casa Longus. He struck the first blow among the assassins who killed Julius Caesar in 44BC. After his death in 42 BC, his property was sold and the owner of a home in Pompeii purchased it. It now stands in an atrium next to a mosaic-covered impluvium, a sunken cistern used to collect rain water from the open roof (compluvium).


Carved Lion Table Leg at Domus di Casca in Pompeii, Italy

Via dell’Abbondanza, 26 80045 Pompei NA, Italy


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