Brief Description of Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest, Hungary - Encircle Photos

-1 Brief Description of Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest, Hungary

Several tribes led by Árpád banded together to conquer the Carpathian Basin. The resulting Magyar Conquest of 895 marked the formation of Hungary. To help celebrate the country’s 1000th anniversary, architect Ignác Alpár created an amalgamation of 21 historical Hungarian architecture styles using wood and cardboard. The popularity of the temporary exhibit resulted in a permanent version of Vajdahunyad Castle being built in 1908. This fairytale landmark is located on Szechenyi Island within Budapest’s City Park. You will be thrilled to visit this attraction from the moment you see the lakeside reflection of Vajdahunyad Vára.


Brief Description of Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, Vajdahunyad vár, 1146 Hungary


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