Bock Ruins and Alzette River Falls in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg - Encircle Photos

48 Bock Ruins and Alzette River Falls in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Since the Roman times, the city of Luxembourg has a very long history of building forts and being conquered. The most significant period of fortification growth occurred under French King Louis XIV. He commissioned Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban to manage 3,000 workers to build 160 fortresses in the city from 1685 through 1688, thus earning it the nickname the “Gibraltar of the North.” Much of the defenses blew up in a 1554 gunpowder explosion. The citadel was further dismantled after Luxembourg became an independent state in 1867. However, some of the ruins can still be explored.


Bock Ruins and Alzette River Falls in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

10 Montée de Clausen, 1343 Luxembourg


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