Blue Steer from CowParade Event in Denver, Colorado - Encircle Photos

-1 Blue Steer from CowParade Event in Denver, Colorado

This blue steer with the likeness of Clint Eastwood from the movie, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” was installed at the 16th Street Mall during a CowParade event. The concept of painting, displaying and then auctioning off fiberglass cow sculptures began in Switzerland in 1998. Several U. S. cities have hosted the fundraising exhibition. This bovine boasts of Denver’s unique attributes. The Mile-High City also displays two other giant blue animals: a bear called “I See What you Mean” (shown in this gallery) and a horse named “Blue Mustang.”


Blue Steer from CowParade Event in Denver, Colorado

1001 16th St, Denver, CO 80265


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